Development Loan

Why You Need A Development Loan

As an active member of a savings and credit corporation like HACCO Sacco, considering a Development Loan can be a game-changer. This loan provides access to substantial funds, making it ideal for major projects or investments. Whether you’re looking to start a business, purchase property, or undertake significant development, a Development Loan can provide the financial support you need to bring your plans to life.

Development Loans often come with competitive interest rates of 13% pa on reducing balance, ensuring you don’t overstretch your budget with high monthly repayments. The favourable terms make this loan an affordable financing option compared to other sources of credit.

What It Is:

Enjoy a repayment period of 48 months, competitive interest rates, and access to a maximum loan amount of KES 2,500,000, making it an ideal choice for significant investments. Your valid loan amount is 3 times your current deposit capacity.

Joining Requirements:

Members must have saved for at least 6 months and reached the minimum share capital ***.(Provide the minimum value for share capital)

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