Asset Financing & Development Loan

Why Take An Asset Financing & Development Loan?

An Asset Financing & Development loan is specially designed to help you acquire valuable assets or invest in developmental projects. Whether you want to purchase property, expand your business, or make a significant investment, this loan provides the financial support you need.

The loans typically come with competitive interest rates, making them a cost-effective borrowing option. The longer repayment period, often up to 72 months, provides flexibility in managing your loan repayments, reducing the burden on your monthly budget.

Another significant benefit is that the loan amount can be up to four times your deposit, which means you can access substantial funds to pursue your asset acquisition or development goals. This kind of financial support can significantly accelerate your plans and open up opportunities that may have been out of reach otherwise.

What It Is:

  • Repayment period 72 months
  • Interest rate 13% – 15% pa reducing balance.
  • Maximum amount Ksh. 4,000,000/=
  • Loan Amount is 4 times of the deposit

Joining Requirements:

  • Any necessary documents?
  • A minimum threshold of deposit amount?
  • A list of guarantors?
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